"Tsukiyama Tomo" this is a virtual singer in the Russian, Japanese language for the program UTAU. The main feature of this UTAU is his smooth and deep low notes. His voice can be used in all genres such as pop, dance, rock, etc.
築山とも Tsukiyama Tomo Name: "Tomo" 鞆 - can mean "wisdom," mind "or" friend. " Surname: "Tsukiyama" 築 山 - means "fictional hill". And it turns out that 築 山 鞆 (Tsukiyama Tomo) means a friend "wisdom" or "mind" of the fictional hill.
Description: "Tsukiyama Tomo" this is a virtual singer in the Russian, Japanese language for the program UTAU. The main feature of this UTAU is his smooth and deep low notes. His voice can be used in all genres such as pop, dance, rock, etc. He is also a VTuber character.
Release date : 1/15/2016 Voice provider : Huro Nomoe
UTAU belongs to HuroNomoe. Voice Provider by HuroNomoe. Design by baounty and HuroNomoe. OTO ini - CHR0MA | CH4 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
■Recommended resampler - wavtool4vcv and EFB-GT ■Recommend flag (standard) - H0Y0B0L0F0c99
----------------------- VC: a ch/i ch/u ch/a f/i f/u f/a j and others エッジ : - あ'/a あ'/a い'/i あ' and others Growl:(巻) - ら巻 and others BRE: br/br1/br2/a -/a R and others
UTAU belongs to HuroNomoe. Voice Provider by HuroNomoe. Design by @elgd_ and HuroNomoe. OTO ini - Purple Cherry Crow @LoverOfPurple +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
■Recommended resampler - wavtool4vcv and TIPS ( you can choose a more suitable resampler of your choice ) ■Recommend flag (standard) - H0Y0B0L0F0c99
UTAU belongs to HuroNomoe. Voice Provider by HuroNomoe. Design by Aoki_Kosuke and HuroNomoe. OTO ini - Ryan-kun or ryanlanuza18@dA +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
■Recommended resampler - wavtool4vcv and TIPS ■Recommend flag (standard) - F0Y0B0H0C0 and Y0B0H0F0L5g+2
----------------------- Extra samples: ↑/A#2e/A3e/C3e/C4e/D#3e/D#4e/F3e/G3e VC: a ch/i ch/u ch/a f/i f/u f/a j and others I don't know what it is but let it be : - あ・/a あ・/a い・/i あ・ and others Growl:(巻) - ら巻 and others BRE: br/br1/br2/a 息/a R/a R2/a 吸/ and others
UTAU belongs to HuroNomoe. Voice Provider by HuroNomoe. Design by Aoki_Kosuke and HuroNomoe. OTO ini - Ryan-kun or ryanlanuza18@dA +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
■Recommended resampler - wavtool4vcv and TIPS and moresampler ■Recommend flag (standard) - F0Y0B0H0C0
UTAU belongs to HuroNomoe. Voice Provider by HuroNomoe. Art/Additional Art: Liy_p and Midzuka Ayato and HuroNomoe. OTO ini - Ryan-kun or ryanlanuza18@dA
【Recommended resampler】 - wavtool4vcv and TIPS, EFB-PB and moresampler
Recommend flag (standard) - Y0B25H20 (g + 5 ~ g-2) and Mb10Mo-20ME-15B0